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Sortie du patch de l'affaire 1 - Espagnol

Benjamin Hunter
Phoenix Wright
10 participants
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Sortie du patch de l'affaire 1 - Espagnol - Page 2 Empty Re: Sortie du patch de l'affaire 1 - Espagnol

Jeu 21 Oct - 12:50
Oh, j'ai tellement hate *o* Courage !
Pourquoi les allemands ne veulent-ils pas vous aider?
Grand Dieu du Graphisme
Masculin Age : 32
Messages : 8927
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2010

Sortie du patch de l'affaire 1 - Espagnol - Page 2 Empty Re: Sortie du patch de l'affaire 1 - Espagnol

Jeu 21 Oct - 13:47
J'sais pas, ils sont peut-être trop fiers.
Nouveau procureur
Masculin Age : 30
Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2011

Sortie du patch de l'affaire 1 - Espagnol - Page 2 Empty Re: Sortie du patch de l'affaire 1 - Espagnol

Lun 14 Fév - 4:27
Mellma a écrit:Ils sont fou mais bon...

haha we're not crazy, just I have a great ability with the hex editor, plus I know by heart all the game codes. I have no need of an program when I can be inserted quickly and safely.

Oh!... hi, I the boss of spanish translation, I hope you do not mind that I've registered and respond in english ... I was excited to answer here.

The dubbed voice of Portsman liked almost everyone who played, the French obviously do not listen like us, we liked a lot.

Azzarra a écrit:des fainéants... tu connais ça non!? phoenix

Ho Ho, remember that in all the Ace Attorney no name was translated into spanish (A eception of Juan Corrida), and we saw no need to translate, the Spanish fans prefer the original name... puns include it where they least expect it Mini-Ema !

Secretmonster a écrit:Euh si c'est la première Tektiv héhé
Mais la plus évoluée est celle des allemands, mais ils veulent pas nous aider... Phoenix

No so fast! At this time the germans are helping me to edit one of the most difficult graphics, and have been very kind Tektiv héhé
But... never have been the most advanced translation have always been below us and you (but above the missing italians Tektiv normal ), his member, NeoKata, told me that very few people working on the project.

Well... report that we have 50% of case 2, and hope in a few weeks to launch the V2 version of the patch in case 1, with 100% of the graphics edited and some other improvements.

Finally, the French team can feel free to ask anything, I try to help in any way possible Hunter

PD: Yeah... my english is not good, although I am the boss, I not take care of translating the texts.
Âme Damnée De Satan
Masculin Age : 29
Messages : 3835
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2010

Sortie du patch de l'affaire 1 - Espagnol - Page 2 Empty Re: Sortie du patch de l'affaire 1 - Espagnol

Lun 14 Fév - 7:25
JJJAGUAR ? OMG, I don't believe is JJJAGUAR at first ^^

First, we helped a young italian for the AAI italien : http://www.gbarl.it/index.php?showtopic=75212
He speak a little french ;).

For the graphic have x/y, BahaBulle (member of :génération IX the french translation of rom/iso) create a tool for modifie the Graphic with x/y.

You use again the hex editor ! OMG, you are a professional !

JJAGUAR a écrit:Finally, the French team can feel free to ask anything, I try to help in any way possible Hunter

I will not forget. ;)

Thank you, and good luck for the following

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